The Tax Business
EXCELerator by

From stressed to

Exclusive training and live group coaching to empower you with a start-up blueprint for RAPID BUSINESS GROWTH!

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“I’m deeply passionate about providing you with the tools and information you’ve been searching for to jumpstart your business. I will also hold your hand every step of the way by offering the coaching and support you’ve been craving to launch your new lifestyle.”

Kimberly Fowler, Owner
TaxPro Financial Service

Let’s be honest, the recent pandemic along with the racial tension across the country has you rethinking your next career move. Certainly, you want control of your own destiny and the means to level-up your finances. Everyday thousands of tax professionals like yourself contemplate starting their own tax prep business. Some need to break away from the daily grind of working for someone else. Some crave the flexibility of working from home. Some need to supplement their main source of income. Others feel they are ready to expand their tax services beyond their small circle of family members and friends.

Bottom line... you’re watching all these “new” entrepreneurs on social media blow up in what seems to be overnight, and you know deep down you could be next if you had the right support. Most importantly, you are ready to stop stressing about finances. You are ready to create a better lifestyle for you and your family. Well, I have the solution. I have been working for the past year to create exactly what you need because like you, I was once in your shoes a few short years ago.

Today, TaxPro Financial Service has 185 affiliates across the country that collectively generate over eight million dollars in gross revenue. We provide them with coaching, training, software solutions, operational support, and most importantly, we provide them with encouragement during those dark moments when they want to quit.

Entrepreneurship is hard, but it is nearly impossible trying to do it alone. The Tax Business EXCELerator is everything you need so that you do not feel alone.

It is everything you need to rapidly grow your income, reclaim your time, and live the lifestyle you have been dreaming about.

Chances are, if you're reading this... you fall into one of three categories…

You like preparing taxes and you want to do more of them. In your “.com travels” (LOL!), you have found lots of material on becoming a tax preparer. However, you have come to the realization that there is a real shortage of information on the “business end” of things. You also like the thought of having your own tax business, maybe working from home, and getting paid to do something you love.

Category 2: BORN LEADER
You are currently preparing taxes, whether formally or informally, but it is not going as well as you had hoped. Perhaps you are presently employed part-time or full-time in the field or you prepare tax returns for friends or relatives as a favor in your spare time during tax season. You see others doing this successfully, but you just haven’t quite figured out how to make your business work. You just need a little direction and someone to hold you by the hand until you get the hang of things.

You recently started your own tax business, and you're searching for a few additional tools, tips, and techniques to make things go a little smoother. No matter what, you already know, based on current and past experiences, that consumer demand for tax services is substantial and that it’s not about to evaporate anytime soon. You're definitely not embarking on a high-risk business proposition.

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Whatever your category is, I want to personally invite you to join
The Tax Business EXCELerator training and coaching program!

Here’s why this program is right for you. I’m here to help you:

1) EXCELerate Your Vision

Having a strong foundation in any business is a must. You’ll learn to develop your unique vision, which paints a picture of exactly what you will do within and throughout your tax business. It provides a deeper level of thinking and discovery needed to create meaningful, strong goals. It’s also what sets you apart from your competitors. Most people completely skip this critical step, and with this program, you won’t be one of them! The guidelines that will be provided will help you to develop a tax business mindset and plan that will keep you on the right path to success.

2) EXCELerate Your Business

Your path to success will entail focusing on the key ingredients needed to operate your tax business and setup your office infrastructure.  Your training will involve insight to business development and professional development as a tax preparer, especially on how to properly price your tax prep services.

3) EXCELerate Your Exposure

In order to generate business, you must first start with focusing on your niche. You will discover some effective marketing and advertising techniques that will change your approach to gaining potential tax clients. One thing is for sure... no clients = no business.

4) EXCELerate Your Future 

It’s a start to have a deep sense of where you want to take your tax business, but you need specifics. You will develop a business plan that clearly outlines your short-term, mid-term, and long-terms goals in addition to the strategies and action steps needed to reach them.  Whether you despise goal setting or have a degree in it, you will create goals that MATTER! No more going through the goal-setting motions because you’ll get the support and feedback that you need.

I’m here to help challenge the way you think about yourself, your dream of owning a tax business, and your relationships with prospective and current clients  It’s time to stop dreaming and start building your tax business. It’s important to me that you learn how to develop real-world business skills needed to grow your tax business.

Yes, it’s true! This is a business you can start fast, easy and simple without any extensive experience! I know, FINALLY! LOL! Whether you start and run a tax business online or in your local area, I am going to show you multiple ways to increase your business and take it to the next level. Why should you listen to me? I have been doing exactly just that and I am still doing it. This is one of the most easiest and flexible businesses you can get into and everyone can do this.

I’m not claiming to be the world’s greatest expert on the ins and outs of the tax business. However, I have been where you are now, and I have found a path that will take you where you want to go. I want to get you started on the right foot, and better yet, I can help you stay out of trouble by giving you all the do’s and don’ts. Trust me and follow the valuable guidance offered in The Tax Business EXCELerator Program. Not only will you receive answers to questions you might have, you will also receive answers to questions that you did not know to ask!

Register Now for The Tax Business EXCELerator!
Now that our introductions are finished, let’s get on with the course.
Why is The Tax Business EXCELerator right for you?

1.    You’re new to the tax business and you feel like you’re scattering your efforts or needing momentum to get your business going.
2.    You're an early start-up tax business but there are gaps you need to fill in order to build a solid foundation for growing your business to the next level. You may also be making a big shift in your business and you need to align things with that new vision.

As a result of this program, you can expect to:

1.    Be much clearer and more confident in your direction.
2.    Develop a doable and specific plan forward to generate income.
3.    Have a solid foundation you can build upon.
4.    Get better results faster and much easier resulting in more money and more clients.
5.    Feel less stressed and have more fun.

The Tax Business EXCELerator is designed to help you with your journey as a tax professional. Being that all of us have been impacted by COVID-19 in some way, shape or form, I understand things have gotten tough.  That’s why I have created three tier options to help you choose the courses that best fit your need, as well as the option to pay for your course over a six month timeframe or in full.
Register Now for The Tax Business EXCELerator!
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Eight effective & practical courses to jumpstart & market your tax business.

Regular Price $1,500
Exclusive Price $900
6 monthly payments of $150.00

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Comprehensive list of 11 systematic courses to not only jumpstart & market your tax business but to effectively operate your  tax business at its highest potential.

Regular Price $2,500
Exclusive Price $1,800
8 monthly payments of $225.00

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Includes the courses provided within the TaxPro SEED & TaxPro STARTER packages. Entails highly significant training on expanding your tax business growth including profits & scalability. Incorporates a more inclusive benefit of four live-group coaching sessions.

Regular Price $3,000
Exclusive Price $2,300
8 monthly payments of $287.50

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For a limited time, you are able to access our TaxPro EXCELERATED package valued at $3000 for a discounted rate of $2,300 or for 8 monthly payments of $287.50. ACT NOW! The clock is ticking!!!

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(877) 272-4036

Consulting and Brand Development by
T. Simmons & Company